First and foremost, we would like to give a shout out to all the fans that has been supporting us since day one. Thank you for dropping by. We are BUNKFACE, and here is our story. For your information, all the members in our band are from Klang, Selangor. The first one being Sam(Vocalist and 2nd guitar), then there's Youk( bassist and vocals), Paan( Lead guitar and vocals), and Biak( drums). We formed this band in 2005. We all decided to form a band. From there, we made our first move by entering a show on TV called BLAST OFF!. We didn't win but we gained much experience from it. After that, Bunkface decided to take things to the next level and so, that's where we started to try to make our own songs, and so we did. We had our ups and downs, some songs didn't really came out right as we all expected them to be. With determination and motivation from all the member of Bunkface, we didn't give up but kept on trying. Finally, in December 2007, we released our first EP called ''LESSON OF THE SEASON''. It includes 6 tracks (english) with a taste of pop punk/ alternative/ rock. This first success of ours was a huge relieve.Little by little, we got some offers to do shows and gigs. You can get our EP by coming to our shows. We're selling them for RM1O each. You can see our upcoming shows on our page. So, come and join us and we'll give you a hell of a time. That's BUNKFACE for now. Lastly, let's all support Malaysia's Music Industry with download our music here>> http://rapidshare.com/files/122848340/bunkface-LESSON_OF_THE_SEASON_.rar